• TIA Services


    System development and application process - Cohort applications are released in November of each year and are due to TEA by April of the following calendar year (see cohort timelines visual). Approval notification from TEA takes place each May following the April submission, with an opportunity to revise and resubmit. Final application approval or denial notifications occur just a few months later, in August.

    Data Collection year: Districts will collect teacher observation and student growth data for eligible teaching assignments put forth in the application and submit it to Texas Tech University for validity and reliability testing. Data must be submitted by October following the data collection year (14 months after initially starting data collection for a cohort starting in August).

    Following the October data submission, districts will receive a final notification of system approval the following February (4 months after data submission), and a final notification of designation and allotment approvals the following April (6 months after data submission). Districts have until the end of August of that calendar year to distribute/disburse the allocations based on the spending plan submitted as part of the application process.  This must come from the district’s general fund, which will be reimbursed by TEA the following September.