Advanced Academics/Gifted and Talented

  • ESC Region 11 provides training and technical support for advanced academics/gifted and talented education. The 30-hour gifted and talented training required by 19 TAC § 89.2(1) is offered several times a year, both face-to-face and online.  Six-hour gifted and talented updates required by 19 TAC § 89.2(3) are provided throughout the year as GT-specific concept sessions (advanced curriculum and instruction, twice-exceptionality, under-served populations, etc.), as well as through the core content areas.

    Administrator and counselor training required by 19 TAC § 89.2(4) is offered in the fall and summer each year. 

    Advanced Academics/GT Advisory Committee meetings are held in the spring and fall for administrators, GT coordinators, directors, and teachers.

    Customized training and GT packages are available according to district needs, as are program evaluations. Technical assistance is always available for GT concerns and questions.

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