• ESC 11 TIA Services


    The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was established by HB 3 to recognize effective teachers and generate additional teacher focused allotment funding based on three levels of designations: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master.  Teachers are put forth for designation through a local designation system created by the school district or charter and approved by TEA.


    Let ESC Region 11 help you through the process of rewarding your teachers through Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). We'll guide you along the TIA timeline and provide you with the most current information for getting your application processed.

    For more information on Teacher Incentive Allotment, visit www.tiatexas.org.

    For more information on how ESC Region 11 can assist you through this process, contact Jennifer Heddins at jHeddins@esc11.net

    TIA Badges