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Career and Technical Education - Career Preparation and Practicum Courses
Career Preparation provides opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instruction with paid business and industry employment experiences and supports strong partnerships among school, business, and community stakeholders. The practicum is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid arrangement and in a variety of instructional settings.
Career Preparation-Practicum and PBR Rules from SAAH Section 5.7
Work-Based Learning Resource Sample Documents
Child Labor Law Poster in Spanish
Training Plan Agreement Paid Work-Based Instruction
Training Plan Agreement Unpaid Work-Based Instruction
WBL Training Sponsor Evaluation Sample
WBL Training Station Visits Record Sample
Dependability Grade Sample Document
Work-Based Learning Resource Links
Unemployment Information from Texas Workforce Commission
TEA Career and Prep and Practicum website
Texas CTE Teacher Resource Website
Perkins Collaborative Resource Network- PCRN