• FP R11 Logo

    ESC Region 11 Federal Programs Team provides technical assistance and professional development opportunities for leaders in Region 11 districts and charter schools. We provide compliance technical assistance and professional development aligned with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a U.S. federal law aimed at improving student achievement and ensuring equal access to quality education. Enacted in 2015, it replaces the No Child Left Behind Act and emphasizes state and local control over education. ESSA focuses on accountability, supports low-performing schools, and promotes innovative approaches to teaching and learning. It also includes provisions for supporting disadvantaged students, enhancing early education, and expanding access to high-quality educational resources. Overall, ESSA seeks to create a more equitable and effective education system for all students.

    School districts receive supplemental federal and state resources to enhance services that help students meet rigorous state performance standards. Region 11 offers technical assistance to ensure districts comply with federal and state funding requirements, along with professional development to optimize the use of these resources.