Sponsorship Levels

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    Sponsorship is currently available

  • There are several ways to participate as a sponsor in the 2022 Technology Vendor Fair:

    Sponsorship Form

    Bronze Level - $500 (***  16 remaining  ***)
    Includes 2 Tables, Dedicated 20-Minute Session, Name Recognition on most Print and Digital Signage.

    Silver Level - $750 (*** 10 remaining*** )
    Includes Bronze Level plus Logo Recognition on Digital Signage.

    Gold Level - $1,000 (*** 10 remaining*** )
    Includes Silver Level plus Logo Recognition on Print Signage, Prime Location, and Visual Recognition as a Lunch Sponsor.

    Platinum Level - $1,500 (*** 6 remaining***)
    Includes Gold Level plus Huddle Space with Display Monitor, Additional Tables as Needed, 2 Dedicated 20-Minute Sessions, Visual Recognition on 30' Entry Banner, and Road Side Marquee.

  • Sponsorship levels