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- Research-Based Instructional Practices (RBIS)
The purpose of Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) is to provide educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement evidence-based teaching strategies in the classroom effectively.
By gaining an understanding of RBIS, educators will be better equipped to individualize the learning experience in support of every child.
As part of the broader strategy to significantly increase the number of students in Texas who have access to HQIM, TEA has developed a set of RBIS to explain the important shifts in instruction that are required for high-quality, rigorous lessons.
RBIS is described as:
- A set of research-based practices that highlights common misconceptions in the field.
- Topics that require conceptual or philosophical changes in approach to instruction.
- A set of practices that are supported by research and should be present in classrooms, regardless of instructional materials.
- The science of how students best learn math and reading in K-12.
The RBIS also demonstrates why HQIMs are important and what is required to implement them well.
RBIS workshops explore essential best practices in RLA and Math with content-specific strategies that are supported by research. These practices should be present in all classrooms, regardless of instructional materials.