- Digital Learning
- TASI (formerly TETN)
TASI is the unified system of 20 ESCs & TEA that collaboratively assists with communication, technology support, resources, and solutions.
When new technology initiatives or products are being considered for K-12 Implementation, TASI's diverse experience and expertise assist ESC Leadership in making sure it aligns with the Statewide vision.
TASI provides assistance in determining the most beneficial, efficient, and cost-effective solution for the desired outcome.
Shared Services
- Cybersecurity Initiatives
- Network Management
- Video Communications Management
- Product & Service Partnerships
TASI provides exclusive meetings and legislative updates from TEA, ESC meetings/trainings, and professional development. These events are available via videoconferencing technology (i.e., Zoom).
TASI registration/attendance options:
- An ESC Region 11 specialist will provide a registration or a connection link prior to the event date depending on the presenters requirements.
- TEA or TASI will provide a registration link. Once you have registered, a connection link will be emailed to the registered participant's email address. This link should NOT be shared and can only be accessed by the registered participant.
ContactDistance Learning Program Manager