• Additional Days School Year Planning and Execution Program (ADSY PEP)

    Additional Days School Year (ADSY) is an initiative created by House Bill 3 that provides funding for school systems that add instructional days to the regular academic calendars of their elementary schools. The goal of ADSY is to help students avoid summer learning loss and lead to more academic achievement.

    The ADSY PEP Summer Learning Program

    Shift in Thinking GraphicESC Region 11 will provide support to ADSY grant recipients through the Additional Day School Year Planning and Execution Program (ADSY PEP).

    What is ADSY PEP?

    ADSY PEP is a robust program planning and continuous improvement process which will draw lessons from the National Summer Learning Project (NSLP), a six-year effort funded by The Wallace Foundation to learn whether programs run by districts and their partners are successful at benefiting kids. 

    ADSY PEP will begin Cycle 5 of the initiative in the 2024-25 school year in collaboration with Region 1 and Region 20. The three identified regions will be serving LEAs in all 20 regions throughout the state.

    Program Highlights

    Over the course of a planning year, districts and schools will be guided through a variety of support mechanisms to help them plan the elements of a high-quality summer learning program. The learning community provides a forum for districts/schools to draft elements of their plans with guidance and consultation from experts and peers. Importantly, this process is aligned to key findings from research on summer learning programs to ensure that districts are not “reinventing the wheel.”

    Some of the learning community offerings include:

    • Peer learning communities with creative leaders from across Texas and workshops on key topics
    • Technical assistance on strategic planning, program design and implementation strategies
    • Feedback and coaching delivered from the Education Service Centers (Region 1, 11 and 20)
    • Access to evidence-based tools and planning resources from high-quality summer learning programs

    Program Benefits

    ADSY PEP accelerates academic growth. Students who participated in ADSY PEP saw larger gains in both Math and Reading and had a shifted mindset when it came to summer programs. 

    ADSY PEP Academic Growth graph

    Additional Resources

    Funding and Sustaining an ADSY Summer Program
    Accessing ADSY Funding
    ADSY PEP Summer Learning Community Hub
    TEA Summer Learning Framework Website


    Classmates sitting in grass studying

    For more information about the ADSY PEP, please contact Dr. Dawn Hogan-Lopez, Administrator Coach for ADSY PEP, at dhogan-lopez@esc11.net or 817-740-7606.

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